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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package fi.digious.kanta.test#0.0.1-preview-2 (47 ms)

Package fi.digious.kanta.test
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=fi.digious.kanta.test@0.0.1-preview-2&canonical=http://phr.kanta.fi/CodeSystem/fiphr-cs-insulincode
Url http://phr.kanta.fi/CodeSystem/fiphr-cs-insulincode
Version 1.0
Status active
Date 2020-02-17T00:00:00+00:00
Name fiphr-cs-insulincode
Title Code System Finnish PHR Insulin Code
Experimental False
Description Finnish PHR Insulin Code System, includes codes indicating what kind of insulin has been administered.
Content complete

Resources that use this resource

http://phr.kanta.fi/ValueSet/fiphr-vs-insulincode Value Set Finnish PHR Insulin Code

Resources that this resource uses

No resources found


  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "id" : "fiphr-cs-insulincode",
  "url" : "http://phr.kanta.fi/CodeSystem/fiphr-cs-insulincode",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "name" : "fiphr-cs-insulincode",
  "title" : "Code System Finnish PHR Insulin Code",
  "status" : "active",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2020-02-17T00:00:00+00:00",
  "publisher" : "Kela ",
  "description" : "Finnish PHR Insulin Code System, includes codes indicating what kind of insulin has been administered.",
  "caseSensitive" : true,
  "content" : "complete",
  "concept" : [
      "code" : "ins-short-fast",
      "definition" : "A code for short and fast acting insulins, for example insulins that could be included in the group A10AB of the ATC Code System.",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "fi",
          "value" : "Lyhytvaikutteinen insuliini"
          "language" : "sv",
          "value" : "Direktverkande insulin"
          "language" : "en",
          "value" : "Fast-acting insulin"
      "code" : "ins-intermediate-long",
      "definition" : "A code for intermediate and long acting insulins, for example insulins that could be included in the groups A10AC, A10AD and A10AE of the ATC Code System.",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "fi",
          "value" : "Pitkävaikutteinen insuliini"
          "language" : "sv",
          "value" : "LÃ¥ngverkande insulin"
          "language" : "en",
          "value" : "Intermediate-acting insulin"
  "text" : {

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.